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Gearset Unveils Platform Enhancements and New CI/CD Offering

Gearset, a leading Salesforce DevOps platform, this week announced significant upgrades to its platform, along with a new CI/CD offering aimed at accelerating enterprise digital transformation projects. These developments signal a major push by Gearset to solidify its position as a comprehensive, strategic solution for Salesforce DevOps.

“For DevOps strategies to be effective, teams must trust that data is accurate and consistent to deploy applications at the pace of innovation,” said Matt Dickens, CPO and Co-Founder of Gearset. “Gearset’s newest features empower teams to visualize, manage, and apply relevant and necessary data throughout the development cycle in real-time. This enables organizations to navigate constant changes to run, transform, and grow their business on Salesforce confidently.”

Kevin Boyle, CEO and Co-Founder of Gearset, added: “The new Gearset features are the direct result of customer feedback and the experience and expertise of our team in scaling Salesforce deployments. Each new feature is designed to help eliminate developmental delays, last-minute surprises, and production halts, accelerating the path to application advances that drive business value.”

Gearset Major Upgrades

This announcement covers a suite of new features and enhancements to its platform. These upgrades include improvements to data management, metadata comparison, and deployment visibility.

Platform Upgrades

  • Archiving: Gearset’s Archiving feature now helps organizations optimize Salesforce data storage by automatically removing obsolete data based on customizable rules. This reduces storage costs, improves performance, and ensures compliance with data retention policies.
  • Compare & Deploy: Enhancements to Gearset’s Compare & Deploy functionality provide even greater visibility into metadata differences across Salesforce orgs. By acting as a Digital Twin of the Salesforce environment, Compare & Deploy enables teams to identify and resolve potential deployment issues earlier in the process, minimizing failures and accelerating release cycles.
  • Flow Navigator: As the industry’s first solution for visualizing Salesforce Flow changes, Flow Navigator gives teams full visibility into the impact of proposed Flow modifications before deployment. This addresses a significant pain point in managing complex Flow deployments and ensures smoother releases.

New – Long Term Projects

Gearset also last month introduced Long Term Projects in Pipelines. This is a CI/CD offering designed to streamline the delivery of long-term development projects alongside daily operations. By allowing teams to run parallel projects on a single release pipeline, this feature eliminates conflicts, reduces manual workarounds, and enables faster realization of ROI on critical digital transformation initiatives.

“Enterprises rely on Salesforce for fundamental business requirements and invest heavily in digital transformation to meet their goals. Businesses can’t afford the risk of project delays or disruption to daily operations,” said Matt Dickens. “With Long Term Projects in Pipelines, organizations will no longer need to rely on manual, unreliable workarounds when releasing major projects, and can instead deliver rapid ROI on their CRM functions.”

New CMO Signals Shift in Market Approach

In addition to the product announcements, Gearset recently appointed Sophie Light-Wilkinson as its new Chief Marketing Officer. With a background in B2B SaaS marketing, Light-Wilkinson is expected to drive Gearset’s global expansion and strengthen its go-to-market alignment.

“Gearset is at a transformative stage in its growth, particularly as it looks to expand within the vast Salesforce ecosystem and beyond,” said Light-Wilkinson. “The chance to lead a marketing organization that directly contributes to such dynamic growth and product innovation is a truly exhilarating opportunity.”

This high-profile hire comes after a period of relative quiet from Gearset on the news front, suggesting a new focus on market visibility and customer engagement. As the company enters a growth phase, the emphasis on product marketing and customer alignment will be crucial in sharpening Gearset’s competitive positioning and industry presence.

Gearset is Makin’ the Moves

Gearset’s recent announcements are a welcome break from its relative silence on the news and product development front. The continued attention to user-favorite features like Archiving, Compare & Deploy, and Flow Navigator demonstrates Gearset’s commitment to addressing the most pressing challenges faced by Salesforce DevOps teams. These upgrades, combined with Long Term Projects in Pipeline, continue to position Gearset as a comprehensive, enterprise-grade solution for accelerating Salesforce development and digital transformation initiatives.

Moreover, the appointment of Sophie Light-Wilkinson as Chief Marketing Officer signals a new chapter in Gearset’s growth story. With her extensive B2B SaaS marketing experience and customer-centric approach, Light-Wilkinson is well-equipped to drive Gearset’s global expansion, strengthen its market presence, and foster deeper engagement with the Salesforce DevOps community.

As the convergence of AI and DevOps continues to present exciting opportunities for innovation, Gearset seems poised to be at the forefront of this trend. We eagerly anticipate seeing how the company leverages AI-powered capabilities to further revolutionize Salesforce DevOps and deliver even greater value to its customers in the future.

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